STVY HVZVRDOUS: Origin.Wav Submission Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

By submitting your track for consideration in the STVY HVZVRDOUS: Origin.Wav Compilation, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Artist Representation: You affirm that you are the sole creator of the track or have obtained all necessary permissions and rights from any collaborators or other rights holders involved in the creation of the track.

  2. Rights to the Track: You grant STVY HVZVRDOUS the non-exclusive right to distribute, sell, and promote the track as part of the STVY HVZVRDOUS: Origin.Wav Compilation, in whole or in part, in all territories worldwide. These rights include the distribution of the track through digital platforms and physical formats, the use of the track in promotional material for the compilation, and the right to sublicense these rights to distributors and other third parties as necessary for the distribution and promotion of the compilation.

  3. Clearance of Samples: If your track contains samples, you affirm that you have obtained all necessary permissions and clearances for the use of these samples in the track and have the legal right to grant the rights to STVY HVZVRDOUS described in this agreement. You agree to provide proof of these permissions and clearances upon request.

  4. Revenue Sharing: You agree to a 50/50 revenue sharing arrangement, after the recoupment of all costs associated with the creation, distribution, and promotion of the compilation. Revenue will be calculated and distributed on a per-track basis.

  5. Release of Liability: You agree to release and hold harmless STVY HVZVRDOUS, its agents, representatives, and any third parties acting under STVY HVZVRDOUS's authority, from any claims, damages, or legal actions resulting from the use, distribution, and promotion of the track as described in this agreement.

  6. Governing Law: This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the country and state/province of the Artist's residence. Any disputes related to this agreement or its enforcement will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts in the Artist's country and state/province of residence.

By participating and submitting your track, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions. You also affirm that you are at least 18 years of age, or the age of legal majority in your jurisdiction, and have the legal authority to enter into this agreement.